Ukulele Lessons For Intermediates - Seven Top Tips

A "jumping flea" sounds like something to be avoided, right? Not if you are from Hawaii and love music. You see the "jumping flea" is a nickname for the musical instrument, the ukulele. The ukulele is a four-stringed, guitar-shaped musical instrument with a long history, not only in Hawaii.The third Martin, Frank Henry, visited the Nazareth, PA, fa

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Beginner Ukulele Chords Part 4 - How Perform A Minor Chord

In this lesson you will learn to play Amazing Grace on your ukulele. I will instruct you on how to play the melody and you will also learn to use an easy form of ukulele tablature.Every note to play in the chord is notated with two numbers. The first number tells you which fret to press down and the next number indicates the string. 31 Ukulele for

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